Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Top Three MO-FOs You're Dying to Know

...Or what I call the  "Most Often Frequented Objections" to going Veg.

Ok. So for all of you "been there done that" veggie guys and gals, this is probably not the post for you. BUT for those of you in blog land still trying to break yourselves in to vegetarianism, this will most definitely be helpful to you. Even if you're just trying to implement some more animal-friendly components into your diet, no fears! I'm here for you and I strongly believe that environmentalism, veganism, and animal advocacy are not all-or-nothing type deals. Every little bit helps. So here's a giant helping of Veggie 101. The best part, is that you no longer have to dread asking these:

1. Where do you get your protein?
I can't even count how many times I've been asked this question. However, it's typically important so for once and for all let me ease your minds. There are tons of protein options for vegetarians that can be found in both a natural or altered (but still plant-based) state. So we'll start with the "oldies but goodies": Beans (which will give you protein AND fiber. Garbanzos and favas are my faves!), Peanut Butter, Soy Milk (Calcium fortified is best!), and Whole Wheat/ Whole Grains. Now for the "crazy vegeterian stuff" that you've always wanted to know about, but were too-timid to try without a review: Quinoa, Tempeh, Soy, and Seitan. If you're particularly concerned about being satiated, look no further. Quinoa is from the grain family. Not only does it boast the most protein out of any grain, but it also is the ONLY grain to have a complete amino-acid complex. Seitan, Tempeh, and Soy are all the kind of stuff that go into creating "mock meats" that your vega-licous friends have probably raved about. I personally do not prefer them, but they are a fun treat every once and a while to mix things up.

[FYI: I'm not a freaking cartoonist, people. This image was taken from] ;)

2. No Milk? What about calcium?
First of all consider this - We (and when I say we I mean "human-animals") are the only ones that drink another species' milk. It's actually kinda gross. I'm just sayin'. Plus, cows (the most popular exploited dairy animal) have three stomachs to aid in their digestion. We have one. In short, milk: It's-really-not- good-for-you-at-all-but-you-think-it-is-because-the altered-product-in-the-supermarket-has-been tampered-processed-and-produced-to-make-you-think-it's-just-for-you. I know, I know, not as catchy as the whole "got milk" campaign. I'll work on it. As for calcium, it can easily be found in dark leafy greens like kale or even broccoli. You can also pretty much get anything calcium fortified these days.

3. Is it possible to be a vegan athlete?
You bet. Not only will a vegetable based diet make you feel better, but your body will run better overall. Fruits and veggies contain a large percentage of water, which helps aid in the body's ability for digestion and fluid movement. (Skeptics should review a little Yoga info on the benefits of going veg to help your practice) As for all the "meat heads" out there, if you're worried about "getting big" a.k.a. gaining muscle mass for those who are not guido-lingo inclined, you may convert to lettuce heads after all. Just check out NFL player, Tony Gonzalez or Vegan bodybuilder Kenneth Williams. If they can do it, you can too.

Phew:: I'm glad that's over. Now that we've had THE TALK, we can all go our cruelty-free and fabulous ways.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hot Hot Heat

So, we already know that "Hot Hot Heat" is a great band (and if you don't, you should definitely check out their stuff). BUT what you didn't know, is that HotHotHeat is also a great kind of Yoga. Most know this as "Bikram Yoga", which is when a series of asanas [yoga for newbies translation: poses] are done in a heated room (usually about 100 degrees or a little higher I believe). I have always wanted to experience this kind of yoga, but never really took initiative on it back at home in Jersey. However, since I've got some time on my hands over here, I made it a point to do some exploring.

What I found on my mini-adventure is a place called Hot House Yoga, a few blocks off of Colley Ave in Norfolk. I took my first class yesterday for a full 90 minutes. It was intense, super-sweaty, and exactly what I needed. I definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to up the anti in their daily yoga practice, or to my fellow hardcore gym rats back at home who may have shied away from Yoga because they insist on sweating up a storm.

I can tell you that personally, I felt immediate benefits during and after my practice. The hot temperature might be a little overwhelming at first, but I found that it really helped me stretch that extra mile. Afterwards, I found I was able to breathe deep and the air felt super clean (This is an automatic plus if you have asthma like me!).

You also get a little yoga 101 with a lesson on chakras. For example - I bet you didn't know that the chakras closest to your core resonate your relationships with family and others. Talk about a new reason to do an extra set of crunches during your next workout. Plus, the candle light and background music create a nice added ambiance and that's not even the best part. The BEST part, is that if you're a resident, you can get a week free for $10. Lucky for me, I am conveniently a resident of Norfolk for about 6 more days so it's pretty much perfect. I'm telling you, at the end of one class you will feel happy, relieved, and ridiculously disgustinglywonderful (Note to Self: bring a change of clothes).

In other news, I have about a week left here in Norfolk. Have I told you how in love I am with this town? I actually feel I might run into Lorelei and Rory Gilmore one of these days.

Til next time,

Monday, September 6, 2010

Virginia is for Lovers


And so my adventure has begun! Yesterday at about 6AM, my boyfriend and I hit the road. By 9AM we were already in Delaware. It's funny how you can just drive such a short amount of time and end up somewhere completely different from home.

I'm not supposed to report to the office until tomorrow, but it seems that my mission was destined to start a little early. As we arrived in the state of Virginia, we passed TONS of Tyson and Perdue factory farms. I might not have realized this, since we were constantly surrounded with green fields and blue skies for miles. However, there was a certain thing that could not be ignored - the outstanding smell. I'd like to tell you all that it was due to the fertilizer, but that's just not the truth. The reality of the situation is that the smell was most likely due to the horrific amount of rotting carcasses. (PS: that's what meat really is - a rotting carcass. The meat which is so nicely pre-packaged in stores does not fall off of a "hamburger tree" just in case anyone has been misinformed). Anyway, the smell was so bad that it permeated our vehicle (which had been fragranced from a serious car wash less than 24 hours beforehand). Eventually we got over the smell in between farms and decided to stop for lunch.

There wasn't much to choose from, so we ended up at the Sage Diner. To my surprise, among a strew of non-vegetarian entrees; there was actually a veggie burger on the menu. Now, for those of you who don't know me, I am a small girl with a pretty ravenous appetite. After a couple hours I was very anxious and excited for this veggie burger. However a matter of seconds after taking our order, our server returned to inform me that they were "out" of veggie burgers.

Now, I know there are those who will say that I am looking for something, but I don't think it's any coincidence that an area that was surrounded by meat-producing places mysteriously had no veggie burgers or vegetarian options. So - here's some food for thought:

You don't have to be vegetarian/vegan, but others have a right to be. And doesn't that mean that everyone should have a right to at least one meal option at every restaurant? When I tell you there was not one vegan option on the menu, i am honestly not lying. As soon as I'm in the area again, I'll definitely be stopping by to see if they are "out" again.

Thankfully, today I was able to make up for this by having a great lunch here in Norfolk. I think the best part about it, was the fact that for the first time in a year and a half my boyfriend and I were able to eat in the same establishment without any trouble. That alone is worth a million bucks! They had a full vegan menu in addition to a regular menu and it was a serious burger joint! I'm just saying.
Vegan Fajitas aka social justice on MY plate! Mmmmmm

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Everything Must Go

Welcome all, to my first official post. Post Post Post.

In just three days I will be off to start a new adventure - leaving my Jersey home and going to Virginia... for about a week. After that, I will be off to Washington, DC. And after that, well you're guess is as good as mine! I have never been this spontaneous before (Seriously, take note of my color-coded to-do list. The fact that I have not-so-specific knowledge as to where I'm headed speaks VOLUMES of my willingness to grow)

Currently I am sitting in a mess of Vegan schwagg (mostly shoes), trying to decide what to bring and what to leave behind on my travels. I honestly feel that Yes, I DO need all ten pairs of shoes. I love my shoes, especially the new sparkly ones that are actually pictured in the title of this blog. Whoever said you had to dress in a burlap sack and a pair of Jesus sandals to be vegan, was wrong. Something I definitely intend to prove is that you can be Vegan and still be fabulous. How could anyone deny themselves a pair of sparkly "I-love-me shoes"? If you don't have a pair, go out and get them. They will make you happy.

Ok of course material items can not make anyone truly happy, but they will certainly bring a smile to your face. Anyway, that's what brings me here: The pursuit of happiness. I used to work at a gym(which shall remain nameless for the purpose of not pissing off pissy people). I was the manager at a childcare. The BEST part of the job were of course the kids. They were darn cute. The next best; the super fun staff and members. The worst part, was the fact that it had absolutely nothing to do with what I am passionate about (which if you're curious includes but is not limited to: music, coffee, animals, my boyfriend). So, I just had to go. 

I love animals. I also love food. Hence, my veganista sense of being. Let me get a few things straight. I do not partake in meat eating of any kind. However, I am not a carnivore-hater. Heck, I have two omnivorous parents. Matter of factly, I happen to be romanticallyinvolved with a strikingly handsome carnivore<3, who I happily kiss as often as I can. Also, some of my nearest and dearest girlfriends are meat-eaters too. 

Tolerance friends, tolerance is key. If it is one thing I have come to learn, it is that everything comes with its time. The time is now, and we should embrace these times and situations with love. The tougher part, will be leaving the ankle boots, or mid-length boots, or ballet flats, or converses behind....
[My color coded To-Do List]